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Not A Gucci belt in site

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

This may ruffle a few feathers but don't be so emotional to where you don't pay attention to the message that being delivered. We have seen post on social media showing Bill Gates and Warren Buffet conversing with captions saying something like all this money and not a Gucci belt in site or something similar suggesting these guys are some of the wealthiest humans in the world and don't wear any designers. Let me explain something about the working class population, they pay more attention to how the wealthy spend their money instead of how they make their money. Instead of paying attention to how Bill Gates spends his wealth you might want to study how he obtained his wealth or any other wealthy person. The type of wealth that I am talking about cant be hurt by a Gucci belt, if Bill Gates wanted he could buy Gucci the company but that's not what he is into. But if he decided to get into fashion he could buy whatever he wanted and would never be affected at all. Have you heard of Larry Ellison the co-founder of Oracle, he actually loves fashion and wears very expensive garments and is one of the wealthiest people in the world. Most people have something they are willing to spend money on, it may be technology or it may be fashion but whatever it is the type of wealth I am talking about can afford it all. If buying a $700 belt changed your path in life then we are talking about two different types of wealth. Bill Gates gave away over 50 billion thru organizations and foundations for nothing monetary in return so he could buy designer apparel everyday if he desired and wouldn't financially know the difference. Stop studying how wealthy people spend their money and maybe invest some time in researching the roadmaps to wealth then you could buy whatever your heart desires. That might be the new motto, grind until you can afford whatever your heart desires but please no more post talking about how the wealthy spend their wealth and actually get you some!

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