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People without any expertise always trying to give advice!

Majority of the people on blogs arguing about Lambos, Ferraris and exotics don't actually have any of those automobiles. The people with those automobiles just have them and we hardly ever speak about them nevertheless argue about it.

Majority of people arguing about professional football, basketball or other professional sports don't play professional sports. Those that actually play just play and don't sit around arguing about it.

Majority of people talking about how to run a successful business don't actually have one. I watch more people speak on topics they are not experts with strong conviction as if they know the angles but in all actuality that is all in their head and you are a fool for listening to them.

So many people think because they have a social media following that qualifies them to give advice on topics they have no real expertise on. Followers on Instagram doesn't qualify you for any topic other than how to get followers on Instagram and nothing else. If you want to do case studies then study real corporate rises and get real mentors that have true success within a particular arena. Stop listening to unqualified idiots making them feel as thou their status either on social media or status within a social gathering qualify's them for anything. Tell them you don't want to hear it and they need to humble their entitled ass as they are the biggest losers pretending to be winning.

Listen to actual winners, I don't buy into the you can learn from anyone even a bum. Well you keep listening to bums and lets see where that gets you, Im going to keep listening to winners only and continue to win myself.

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